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EBD Monica Turns Up Trumps by Elinor Brent-Dyer


GGBP first published Monica Turns Up Trumps in 2003, and so we are reprinting it 22 years later.

   Monica is a Chalet School connector because Monica and her MacNab (McNab) cousins attend the Chalet School – and in The Chalet School at Glendower House Monica is there as Games Mistress.

   Monica was the despair of all who tried to teach her, not because she was stupid but because she simply would not learn. Her father removed her from that school and sent her to another local school (not the CS at this stage). At the same time, her two cousins, Alixe and Vicky MacNab come to live with the family, and it takes a long time to adjust. But in the end, she wins through and turns up trumps.

   Helen Barber has written a wonderful short story, ‘Give a Dog a Bad Name…’

Monica Turns Up Trumps will be published in April / May 2025. 4 MarchMonica is now having its final proof read.





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Helen Barber, Elinor Brent-Dyer